Beyond Le Montagnole

A caravan travelling at the same pace of the last.


Green, solidarity and sport

Surrounded by nature but close to town, Pallavicini is located 8 km from the city centre, inside the marvellous large park dominated by the historic villa Pallavicini. The property is easily connected to the ring road and motorway. Marconi airport is just 6 km away and it can be reached by bus.






La Piccola Carovana, a social cooperative type A + B, arises in 2003 in a little town of Bologna district, inside the valley’s fog.
Beeing A+B means managing educational projects and services for work training for vulnerable people.

Casa per Ferie Maison Pallavicini, Social Inclusion Services, Environmental Services and Cemeterial Services.

Connecting these dots, you can draw the path we went through during 15 years.

We walked it with a special care for those who have a slow pace, but also looking at the future.

Go to La Piccola Carovana’s website.